Friday, June 24, 2016

Why do people hack computers?

ethical hacker

For ethical reasons: 

Ethical hacking is mainly done in order to counter the works of dangerous hackers. Ethical hackers will master the art of setting strong passwords, of protecting their information from leaking out to unauthorized people as well as of protecting themselves from any cyber-attack by unprofessional hackers. They learn hacking in order to ensure that they are transacting online safely and that they are absolutely safe especially when online dealing with people or companies that they do not know so well. This kind of hacking is good and it ensures that one is absolutely safe especially over the internet.

To steal: 

This is the primary reason why many hackers hack. There is a lot of valuable information online that makes hackers hack and they can use this kind of information for personal gains. Everyone is at risk of this kind of theft, whether it is a company or just a regular person. As long as your information is beneficial to the hacker in any way, he will do anything possible to get his hands on it. Hackers hack to steal money as well and in this case, they target financial institutions like banks.

 To cause disruption:

This is the most annoying reason for hacking. Hackers who interfere with the entire system of a company or corporation can be very dangerous because the normal operations of that company will be interrupted. Some of these hackers have hidden agendas, maybe they have something against the company and they want to get back at them. Some people are paid to cause a disruption by competitors and this causes a lot of chaos in the affected business.

As a way to kill boredom:

 So many young people spend too time on their computers basically because there is little to do outside. The thrill for outdoor activities and meeting up with friends is no longer there, and boredom comes in with a lot of temptations, like hacking. Most people who hack for fun are those that spend so many hours on their computers. Once they run out of ideas on what to do online, they resort to hacking, for fun.

As a way to earn some money: 

There are professional hackers who do this for money. These can be the good hackers or even the bad hackers but their main reason for hacking is for the pay. Someone will hack into a company’s system to steal information that will benefit another person for a pay. A company will pay a professional hacker to hack into their system in order to test if the system is working as it should or not. Some hackers will steal online material and sell it off for some money, without realizing the damage that they cause in the end.

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