Saturday, June 25, 2016

33% Of Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines Now Run Linux Operating System

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If you think that Microsoft’s love for Linux and open source is selfless, think once more. This self-pronounced love for Linux is helping Redmond earn big bucks in the field of cloud computing.
Recently, Microsoft brought support for Linux-based Docker containers on Windows 10. At DockerCon 2016, Microsoft Azure CTO Mark Russinovich told more about its ongoing adoption of open source technologies and Microsoft’s future plans.
One of the major highlights that he mentioned was the rise of Linux on Azure virtual machines. According to Microsoft, one-third of its Azure machines are running a Linux image. This percentage has grown from 25 percent to 33 percent since last year.
To battle Red Hat, its arch-rival in the cloud, Microsoft has already allied with the big players in the Linux world. Its partners include SUSE and Canonical.
From the DockerCon stage, Russinovich showed the Windows Server support that is supposed to come to Redmond’s Azure Container Service (ACS) soon.
He also showed off a Linux-based SQL Server preview running on a Docker container. The final version of SQL Server for Linux is slated to arrive next year.
If we take a look at the bigger picture, Microsoft’s investments in open sourceare looking beneficial. Redmond knows that customer demand for Linux on Azure is very high and it’s continuously making efforts to improve its presence in the cloud.
In another related open source news, Microsoft recently improved its Ubuntu port on Windows by bringing the support for Tmux.

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