Friday, June 24, 2016

Best Hacking Advices for Begginers

hacker tactics

The first success is what gives the hacker the thrill to hack again and again, and to achieve this feeling, you will require the following: -

Download and learn how to run an open source operating system like UNIX or Linux. Open source operating systems have great advantages over closed source systems, therefore ensure that you have downloaded one before you begin your hacking adventure. UNIX is the operating system for the internet, therefore this makes it the most ideal OS for hacking.

 Master most of the programming skills. Ensure that you have gone through as many short courses as possible just to ensure that you have sufficient programming skills to get you started. You might need to take time to learn most if not all the programming languages just to ensure that you are well equipped with skills.

Connect with other hackers if possible. There are online forums for hackers that can help you master the art better. Through interaction with other hackers, you are able to identify areas that you knew little about as you learn the art from experts in the field. You can easily ask questions or clarifications in such forums just to ensure that you are doing the right thing.

Check out the tutorials: These are easily accessible online these days, and can be found on almost all video portal sites, or specialized information technology and programming sites. Watch some of the hacking tutorials in order to get an idea of how it is done. You might learn some tips that you knew nothing about from these tutorials. Most of the tutorials will clearly explain how you should hack, as they take a step by step approach.

 Practice everything that you learn; this is how best to master what you have learned. You need to practice as much as possible. A lot of time needs to be dedicated to this so that you understand everything about hacking before you even get started. With every skill that you learn, take the time to try it out practically, to ensure that you can follow the required steps and get to the end result that you are hoping to attain.

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