Friday, June 24, 2016

How to hack Windows 7

Hacking into Windows 7

 Have you ever wanted to learn how to hack into Windows 7? 

The best way to start is by figuring out how to hack the administrator password.

This is the guide that will teach you how.

- Start the computer.

Tap F8 button a few times in order to get a few startup options. Go for ‘Start windows normally’ option, then turn off your power supply. This is so that an error can be recorded.

 - Turn on the computer again and let it load. The boot screen will pop up and you will have two options. Go for the first option which will state

- ‘Launch Startup Repair(recommended)’. - Allow it to load as it scans for issues. This can take up to 5 minutes after which you will be asked to restore defaults. Go for the ‘cancel’ option. Give it time to continue loading. - After a few more minutes, you will get an error report pop up on your screen, requiring you to send information or not. Go for ‘View Problem Details’,, then scroll down the options to a link X:\windows\ something…something (the link starts with an”X”)

- A notepad will pop up. Go for the File on the Menu Bar and open it. Another window will pop up. - Navigate to the drive on which windows is installed, which in most cases is C:Drive. Click on the windows, then to system 32, then go for file type and select all files.

 - Look for sethc file and rename it to something else. - Look for cmd to make its copy and rename it to sethc

- Now close everything then start your computer again. On your log-in screen, press the shift key until a command prompt pops up. Enter ‘net user administrator /active:yes’ to activate the admin account of the computer. This is the point where you will change, delete or add an admin password of your choice

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