Friday, June 24, 2016

How to Fix Mixed Content Errors in Blogger Template

The Automatic Https in Blogger have many Benefits.But  some bloggers  are facing some issues becouse of this change in policy and one of the mos common problem is mixed content erros

mixed content error

What are mixed content errors?

This comes when a web page becomes secured by SSL, but it contains both secure HTTPS andthe non-secure HTTP which is usually links, scripts, style sheets, video, and images. This results in browser errors that negatively affect the performance of your website and cause security issues. This means that source codes such as template, layout gadget, and post and paste may be causing the issues in the HTML side of the equation.

How to identify mixed content errors?

 This is a fairly straightforward process that you can use through Google Chrome:

1. Visit blog using HTTPS, for example -

 2. Access "Developer Tools" and switch to the "Console" tab to open the JavaScript console

 3. Look in the Console for mixed content errors that looks similar to these:

- Insecure Script Request 
- Insecure Image Request 
- Insecure URL Request  

You should list all unsecured URLs

Fix the mixed content errors in a Blogger template 

To fix the errors encountered which may be found in the template or layout, you will need to do the following:

1. Go to Blogger and select your blog, then click on "Template" and press the "Edit HTML" button

2. Click anywhere in the code area and press CTRL + F to search for http://

3. Replace all http:// prefixes with https://

Verify that the new URLs using the HTTPS addresses work by opening them in a new window.
If the links you are receiving provide the same results, then you can Save Template.

To check for layout errors:

 Go to Blogger and click on 'Layout'
> check for any HTML/JavaScript gadget and click 'Edit' on each gadget.
 Replace all http:// prefixes with https:// then verify that they are working and hit Save.

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