Thursday, September 10, 2015

Using Multiple Desktops

Using Multiple Desktops in Windows 10 

Multiple desktops is almost like having two or more desks in your office where you can do your work.
You could have a desktop for your web browsing and email, another desktop  for  your  word  processing,  another  desktop  for  your  photo editing and sharing and so on.

Multiple  desktops  help  to  organise  your  tasks  together.  So  you  can keep things you are working on together.

Click on ‘new desktop’ to open a new desktop then you can open the apps you want to run.
         To get a preview of what is running in a particular desktop,            hover your mouse over the thumbnails listed across the                bottom of the screen. You 
         will see the large thumbnails along the centre of the screen            change. This  shows  you  what  is  running.  To  switch  to          an  app  click  on  its thumbnail.

To switch between the desktops click on the thumbnails listed across the bottom of the screen (desktop 1, desktop 2, desktop 3 and so on).
         Multiple  desktops also work particularly well if you  have             more  than one screen connected to your computer.                      Different desktops can appear on different screens. 

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