Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How To Host Images On Blogger Itself

How To Host Images On Blogger Itself

I am dividing this tutorial in two parts in first part we will see how to upload images to blogger and in second part we will see how to get a direct link of your uploaded images.Let's begin the first part of tutorial.

  1. How To Upload Images To Blogger
  2. How To Get Direct Link Of Your Uploaded Image

Part 1 : How To Upload Images To Blogger

  • First go to Blogger Dashboard > New Post
  • Click On small image icon at top toolbar of post editor
    How To Host
  • Now click on Choose File
  • Select a image and upload it and click on Add Selected button
    How To
  • Now the image will be added to your post editor
On Blogger

Part 2 : How To Get Direct Link Of Upload Image

In first part of tutorial you have uploaded a image to blogger now lets see how to get direct link of your uploaded images

  • Click on Edit HTML tab of your post editor.
    Blogger Itself

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