Friday, September 11, 2015

Troubleshooting Mac OS X

Troubleshooting Mac OS X

When you’ve been tweaking your Mac and something goes wrong, the natural thing is to imagine your actions just destroyed OS X. That’s prob ably not the case your Mac was probably going to let you down no matter what you did (hardware failures usually aren’t the user’s fault), so don’t feel guilty.

No matter the cause, the important thing to know is what to do next and that’s when this hack comes in handy. OS X is a robust operating system, but while problems are rare, they do show up from time to time. Since these issues always seem to present themselves at the worst possible moment, it helps if you know the best ways to troubleshoot them, and that’s a great reason to keep this book around!

There are a lot of things that can go wrong with your Mac: hardware problems, software glitches, and configuration issues can happen at any moment. Most of the problems you’ll encounter can be easily addressed or diagnosed by following the steps in this hack. If the information here doesn’t resolve things, it could be a unique issue, in which case a trip to the Apple Store or a call to Apple is in order.

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