Thursday, September 10, 2015

Start Menu in Windows 10

New Start Menu in Windows 10
The start menu returns in Windows 10 with a few enhancements. 

Listed down the left hand side of your menu, you’ll see a list of your most frequently used applications. At the bottom of your list there is an option to show all the apps. This will list them down the left hand side of the start menu in alphabetical order.
On  the  right  hand  side  of  the  menu,  you’ll  see  coloured  tiles representing  apps. If you  have  used Windows  8 you  will be  familiar with these.
A good tip is to drag your most used applications from the list on the left hand side of the start menu. This allows for quickness and eases your work flow.The start menu can be displayed as a menu on the bottom left hand side  of  your  screen  and  is  better  suited  to  point  and  click  desktop users.  Or  your  start  menu  can  fill  the  whole  screen  putting  more emphasis on the application tiles on the right hand side. This is useful for touch screen users using tablets and phones. 

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