Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Things to post on your blog when you're running out of ide

Things to post on your blog when you're running out of ide

1. News. Okay, so maybe that's basic. After all, your company or business is the reason you put up a blog, right? Write about the products you sell. Give them a bit of the benefits your potential customers might get for buying them, with a link back to your main site to read the entire sales letter. You can also write about updates to your product. Post news about the industry you're in. If you're selling products that help people get better search engine rankings, write about search engine news. Or, if you or your service has been featured on TV, papers, or notable websites, write about it. Don't forget to post seminars or gatherings where you've been invited.

2. History of your business. Maybe this one has already been in your main website, but who cares? People forget it. They come and go and chances are, when they visit your site, they don't read it. Write about how you began, the reputation and achievements you've earned, and the accolades or awards you received, with a link back your site. That way you'll let them know why they should buy from you, and that you're a real person who's building a reputable business. Add some employee's profile if you have someone working for you, too. If you have nice traffic or site stats, that's also worth mentioning.

3. Customer's feedback. When a raving customer emails you about how your product has helped him, share it in your blog.You're giving your visitors a compelling reason to buy from you.

4. Site of the week / month. Mention a site that doesn't compete with you but complements to your won. Explain to them why you like it, and why it deserves your accolade.

5. Contests, surveys, trivia, questionnaires. If you're running a contest, post it in your blog to encourage visitors to join.Or put a survey. That could give you information regarding the product you're selling, as to how you could develop it further.

6. Tip of the day. Write about a new tactic you developed or something you learned and perfected. 

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