Friday, September 11, 2015

The Polymorphic Virus

The Polymorphic Virus

Early viruses were easy enough to detect. They had a certain signature to identify them,either  within themselves as a method to prevent  re-infection, or simply that they had a specific structure which it was possible to detect. Then along came the polymorphic virus. Poly meaning multiple and morphic  meaning shape. These viruses change themselves each  time  they  replicate,   rearranging  their  code,  changing encryption and generally making themselves  look totally different.

This created a huge problem, as instantly there were much smaller signatures that remained the same some of the “better” viruses were reduced  to a detection signature of a  few bytes. The problem was  increased with the release of a number of polymorphic kits  into the virus writing community which allowed any virus to be recreated as a polymorph.

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