Friday, September 11, 2015

Password Recovery

Password Recovery

Password  cracking  for   illegal   purposes   is   illegal.   But   if   it   is   your   password,   then   it's your information. Once you password protect something, and then forget your password, you are
stuck. Hence password recovery.

Password cracking consists of a few basic techniques
“Looking around”: passwords are often taped to the bottom of keyboards, under mousepads,
posted on personal bulletin boards.

Brute force: just keep trying passwords until one works

Automated dictionary attacks:   these programs   run  through a  series  of  possible dictionary
words until one works as a password.

There   are  many   programs   available   on   the  web   to   assist  with   password   recovery   on
documents. However, newer versions of programs are becoming more and more secure, and
therefore, more and more difficult to obtain passwords using the techniques above, or using
password recovery software.

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