Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Free Firewall vs Paid

Choose Best Firewall 

Windows XP computer users fall into two categories: those people  who have personal firewall software and those who do not have . Knowing that the majority of computer users go without a firewall, Microsoft has included an internet security firewall into the latest XP update called Service Pack 2.

If you already have a personal firewall such as Zone Labs, McAfee or Norton, you should not keep both the Windows XP firewall or your existing software because it has the dynamic Microsoft name behind it, or go with a more niche company for security such as Zone Labs.

What is this Firewall Thing, Anyway?

A personal firewall protects your computer from malicious users by blocking unauthorized access .

The term “firewall” gives the impression that only large companies need a “wall” of “fire” to block attacks. You probably feel your computer is too small to attract an attack. But let’s not forget that hackers are hackers because they are students of behavior ! They know that millions of people think they’re not targets and forego internet security. They build viruses to seek out such vulnerable computers, which can lead to a multitude of computer problems, not to mention identify theft.
While it will block incoming attacks, it will not block programs already installed on your computer from sending information out.
Many downloads you agree to will have spyware attached, and spyware often “phones home” with information about the user.
Be Aware in internet there are many ways you can get hacked ! 

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