Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Why Linux is the right one ?

Top reasons that show Linux is the right one 

 Linux is the right one

Linux, as operating system, is and will always remain free (in the sense of a free beer).
There is no license to pay to anybody.

More than that, Linuxcost of ownership is very low because of:
 • You don't need expensive anti­virus software.
• You don't need to maintain a license database.
• You don't need to reinstall crashed/corrupted systems 
• You don't need to install expensive remote management software
 • You harmed by very old well known bugs that have not yet been fixed
 • You can choose your operating system supplier (no monopoly)
 • You can choose between various equivalent softwares (alternative solutions exists on Linux)
 • You can adapt the system to your exact needs: you remain master of your software solution.

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