Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Linux competitor's controlled system ?



Linux is not under the control of a software development company.
 As software development company, you can choose Windowsas preferred operating system, delivering Windows solutions to your customers.
If you do that, you know that soon or later, you will loose your business in favor of Microsoft.
 Why ? 
Because as soon as Microsoft will identify your business as significant, they will use the same technique they used againstCorel, Netscape, Borland, ...
They will change the API such a way that your software will become unstable, inefficient and buggy.
They will develop hidden API that only their software will be able to use, giving them unfair market advantage...
And they will win: they are playing on their backyard...
And it'syou that choose to fight with them there !

 A good counter­example is the success of Sony in the game market: their PlayStation II is NOT RUNNING Microsoft system. That's why they are still on tracks.

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