Thursday, April 7, 2016

Floating Point Variables

 Floating Point Variables 

c++ floating variables

  Floating points represent numbers with decimals or they represent those numbers which have a fractional part attached to them for example, 10.2, -10.2 or 2.10. Floating point variables occupy 4 bytes of the computers memory and have a range of about 3.4 * 1038 to 3.4 * 1038. Figure 2.2 given below shows how floating variables are stored in the computers memory.
c++ floating variables

Figure 2.2: Storing floating variables
Program  given below declares two floating variables ‘var1’ and ‘var2’ and displays them on the screen.

// Header File
 # include <iostream.h>

// Main Function void main()
 // Floating variables
float var1=-10.2;
float var2=10.2;
  // Printing Variables
  cout<<" Var 1:"<<var1;   cout<<" Var 2:"<<var2;

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