Saturday, April 9, 2016

WhatsApp Brings End-to-end Encryption On Every Device For 1 Billion Users

WhatsApp Brings End-to-end Encryption On Every Device For 1 Billion Users

WhatsApp Brings End-to-end Encryption On Every Device For 1 Billion Users

WhatsApp, one of the world’s biggest online instant messaging services, has enabled end-to-end encryption on every device, for every message. This will enable the users to get the advantage of this improved security feature on all types of chats — voice, text, video, one-to-one, or group.
The Facebook-owned company began rolling out this feature for text messages in November 2014, thanks to a partnership with Open Whisper Systems. As a result of this change, WhatsApp users will notice a note in their conversation telling about this enhanced security feature.
“All of this happens automatically: no need to turn on settings or set up special secret chats to secure your messages,” WhatsApp says.
In simpler words, end-to-end encryption means that your messages will be in your hands. Now, WhatsApp won’t be storing anything related to your texts on its servers once it delivers them. Talking about the encryption keys, they’ll be stored on your device.

What are the advantages of WhatsApp end-to-end encryption?

With this extra layer of security, when you send a message, the only person who can read the message is the person/group chat to whom that message was sent. This protects your conversations from cybercriminals, hackers, governments, and even WhatsApp.
Once the communications with any user are encrypted, the WhatsApp client will notify the chat members and refuse to send anything unencrypted.
This development has taken place at an important point of time when a tussle is going on between governments and technology companies. Governments are making more and more requests to reveal user data for law enforcement purposes.
“While we recognize the important work of law enforcement in keeping people safe, efforts to weaken encryption risk exposing people’s information to abuse from cybercriminals, hackers, and rogue states,” WhatsApp writes.

Programming is the fundamental hacking skill

Programming is the fundamental hacking skill!

Programming is the basic skill that a hacker should possess and master. If you don’t know any programming languages, start by learning a basic language like Python or Java. These powerful and well-documented languages could be learned easily.
If I specifically talk about Python, it’s a great language to start with. Despite being suitable for beginners, it’s very powerful, and flexible. One should try learning C, the core language of Unix, if the person intends to dive deep into the world of programming.
To become a good hacker, you need to have a certain level of knowledge of several languages to play with code injection and poisoning servers/domains in a much better way.
However, if you want to target some specific areas of hacking, you must choose the programming languages wisely. If you are interested in web application security, I’ll advise you to take up PHP and JavaScript. If you are willing to deal with network hacking and pentesting, it’s important to learn root level programming languages like C.

How to stream and watch movies on WebTorrent ?

How to stream and watch movies on WebTorrent Desktop?

Just install the application on your computer, open it, and drop any torrent link or paste a magnet link. Depending upon your internet speed, the content will start streaming.
How to stream and watch movies on WebTorrent Desktop?

It’s available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
All you need to do is grab the WebTorrent Desktop streaming client from this link

Friday, April 8, 2016

How to play all PS4 games on PC

Sony PlayStation 4 is the most popular gaming platform our there in the market. Its rival, Xbox One, recently added a feature to play your Xbox One games via your PC in Windows 10 with the new Xbox app.
How to play all PS4 games on PC

To answer this development, Sony has updated the PS4 firmware to allow you to play all your PS4 games on Windows and Mac. The new Remote Play feature allows you to take control of your PS4 from your computer. Your PC could be located either on your home network or remotely.
In this article, we’ll show you how to set up and install the Remote Play feature on your computer.

How to play all PS4 games on PC with PS4 Remote Play for Windows and Mac

Requirement for Remote Play:

Remote Play on PS4 is compatible with following operating systems:
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10 or later
  • OS X Yosemite
  • OS X El Capitan
Before going ahead, make sure that your PS4 gaming platform is running the latest firmware. To check this, go to Settings > System Software Update and check if you are having the 3.5 firmware. If not, update your PS4 system to the latest version.

Make sure that your PS4 is set up properly for Remote Play:

  1. Open Settings on your PS4 and head to Remote Play Connection Settings. Now, check the box that says Enable Remote Play.
  2. Now head to PlayStation Network/Account Management in yourSettings option and follow this path: Activate as Your Primary PS4 >Activate. This will make sure that PS4 is listed as your primary device.
  3. To finish this process, go to Power Saving Settings in Settings and look for Set Features Available in Rest Mode. Check the options Stay Connected to the Internet and Enable Turning on of PS4 from Network.

Now install PS4 Remote Play application on Windows PC and Mac:

  • To install the PS4 Remote Play application on your Windows PC and Mac, download the application for your operating system from this page:Remote Play download
  • Now, connect your PS4 controller to your computer. Note that Remote Play works only with a PS4 controller, so, make sure that you are carrying one with you while traveling.
  • Using your Sony login, sign in. Now, Remote Play will search for PS4 and register it in few minutes.
Now, everything is good to go. With a Wi-Fi connection, you can access PS4 from anywhere.

What to do if Remote Play is not available — Troubleshooting and fixes

If you are unable to find Remote Play or if you face stability issues, take look at these instructions:
  • Make sure that you are using a high-speed internet connection with at least 5Mbps speeds. You can check your speed by access Network > Test Internet Connection option in Settings.
  • If your PC is on the home network, try using a wired connection between your PS4 system and computer.
  • Make sure that your PS4 system and PC is closer to the router.
  • You can try reducing the video quality on PS4 Remote Play from the Remote Play’s preferences setting.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Relational Operators

 Relational Operators   

relational operators

An operator is a symbol or letter used to indicate a specific operation on variables or values in a program. In order to carry out a comparison between two expressions (values/variables) one needs to use the relational operators. ANSI C++ standards specify that the result of a relational expression is binary. That means that the result of a comparison operation is either ‘True’ or ‘False’. Relational Operators are generally used in control structures and loops which we will study in later chapters. A list of relational operators supported in C++ are  given

<   Less than                        A<B    A is less than B 

>  Greater than                    A.>B   A is greater than B 

<=   Less than or equal to   A<=B   A is less than or equal to B 

>=   Greater than or equal to   A>=B   A is greater than or equal to B 

!=   Not equal to   A != B  A is not equal to B 

==  Equality     A == B   

Compares the two variables ‘A’ and ‘B’ and checks for equality between these variables. If the variables seem to have equal values stored in them then the expression returns the integer value ‘1’ otherwise it returns the integer value ‘0’.  
Note: The values ‘1’ and ‘0’ are not any random values but are ‘Boolean digits’ where ‘1’ corresponds to the expression being true and ‘0’ corresponds to the expression being false.



 Not using the multiplication operator (*) when required results in an error.
 For Example, (x+2)(x) this statement is illegal.
 Using the ‘%’ operator with float variables will result in a syntax error

The cin Statement

 The cin Statement  

Just as we have the ‘cout’ statement to display data on the screen, the ‘cin’ statement is used to extract data from the user or insert data into a variable. The statement is used with the insertion operators (<<). It is also defined under the <iostream.h> header file and has the following syntax:
Syntax: cin>>variable1>>variable2…………….;  

You may observe that we have used the insertion operator repeatedly ‘>>’ in the syntax. This is perfectly valid and is known as cascading of operators.



Variables with the same data type can be grouped together and declared in one statement             Format:  dataType variableList;    
  For example,                      
  int A1, A2, A3;

A good programming practice is to declare each initialized variable on a line by itself.
 C++ also allows us to create same named variables, functions belonging to different data types.

Floating Point Variables

 Floating Point Variables 

c++ floating variables

  Floating points represent numbers with decimals or they represent those numbers which have a fractional part attached to them for example, 10.2, -10.2 or 2.10. Floating point variables occupy 4 bytes of the computers memory and have a range of about 3.4 * 1038 to 3.4 * 1038. Figure 2.2 given below shows how floating variables are stored in the computers memory.
c++ floating variables

Figure 2.2: Storing floating variables
Program  given below declares two floating variables ‘var1’ and ‘var2’ and displays them on the screen.

// Header File
 # include <iostream.h>

// Main Function void main()
 // Floating variables
float var1=-10.2;
float var2=10.2;
  // Printing Variables
  cout<<" Var 1:"<<var1;   cout<<" Var 2:"<<var2;

Comments in C++

Comments in C++

Comments make programming simple.

comments c++

They not only help us to understand a piece of code written by some one else better but also help in writing ones own program specially in large programs where one needs to keep track of what’s going on. Comments help in increasing the program readability and increase program’s maintainability. In C++ comments can be given in two ways:
a) Single line comments:

They start with // (double slash) symbol and terminate at the end of the line.

For example .:  

int a ; // declares the variable ‘a’ of integer type

b) Multi line comments:

 Start with a /* symbol and terminate with a */ symbol.

For example,

           /*  This is a multi line  comment */

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Why Use C Language ?

Why Use C? 

c language

C was initially used for system development work, particularly the programs that make-up the operating system. C was adopted as a system development language because it produces code that runs nearly as fast as the code written in assembly language. Some examples of the use of C might be:

  • Operating Systems 
  • Language Compilers
  •  Assemblers
  •  Text Editors
  •  Print Spoolers 
  •  Network Drivers
  •  Modern Programs
  •  Databases 
  •  Language Interpreters
  •  Utilities